lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012


The first group of submarines that could get into the ocean’s depth were on the 70’s. They found an amazing world of rocks that were firstly  magna from inside the earth and once it come to the surface they got solidified.
Normally water evaporates at 100 degrees but on the ocean’s depth they can still be at 400 degrees because of the ocean’s pressure. And here also scientific found that it was full of hydrogen sulphide which makes impossible creature’s life, unbelievably they found life. There are some worms that can live with temperatures higher than 80 degrees. Any other animal can live in these conditions. But they found other underwater vents which were also living a type of mussels.
Before doing that experiment people thought that live was impossible without solar energy, but that’s not true as I explained before. So the big question is: What do they use instead of solar energy? The answer was on the worms which have some bacterias  that can use the sulphurs as the main energy source from the vents. These bacterias are the primary energy source of others species that life her for example for crabs. The first time biologists saw it they thought about a clue of how did life appear and it was obvious that was in the sea.
In the 1990 others submarines found an incredible lake which was 800 meters under the water. It has too much salt in its composition and was full of mussels again. So we are talking about other ecosystem which was independent from the solar power. The difference was that the source energy was methane. And there were lots of new animal species.
To sum up in the last ten years we have discovered two types of weird ecosystems which don’t need solar energy, something unexpected but, we already haven’t explored too much from the ocean’s depth…

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