lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012


We already have animals bigger than the ancient dinosaurs like the blue whale It’s tong is bigger than an elephant. Even that is one of the faster’s animals in the sea.
We call our planet as a blue planet because the 2/3 parts of it are covered by water. The life in oceans is based on the sun light power and to taking nutrients.
Waves are originated by air force and storms. In the open sea the waves can be so similar, but when it gets into contact to the land the top water starts going fast so the waves brings. There are lots of huge currents that keep its waters constantly moving. This currents makes and important influence in the life of the seas. These currents make the nutrients go up to the surface. Some of the fishes normally are fed by the plankton on the surface. The massive fishes feeding attract hundreds of sharks.
Sardines used to follow cold currents because they are looking for rich nutrients. As sardines travel to the north lots of gulls are waiting for it. Also sharks and common dolphins want to join to that event. So the sardines have no scape.
The solar power is essential to allow the microscopic floating plants growth, the phyto-plankton which is the base of the whole life in the ocean. During the night lots of animals that life in the ocean’s profundity go up and look for aliment
The moon has an important effect to the oceans. Turtles take advantage of the moons gravity to lay their eggs on the beach. The suns’ relative position to the earth also changes and that’s the responsible of seasons and the seas transformations.

Àlex Espinal, Dani Pérez

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